About Us

Morgante Limousine
Dependable, Exceptional…Ride With us !
"have more than a decade of experience"
, and are experts in custom transportation for business travelers, groups, and residential customers. Our goal is to bring individual mobility on the street to the next quality level. Our company's keywords. We are bound to respecting the confidentiality of any information our drivers could learn. Should you require anything, our chauffeurs remain at your service but without leaving discretion aside, which is one of our professional charter's bases.
Our top priority is customer satisfaction
Our courteous chauffeurs always pay attention to personal service to the passenger.
We offer you a wide range of full option (air conditioning, leather seats…) prestige vehicles suiting from 1 to 7 people.

Our company’s keywords
* Punctuality
* Comfort & Safety
* Discretion and professionalism
* Élégance Transports, for an effective and elegant driving.
* Customer care and responsiveness to meet your requirements
* We're ready when you are & We never say no
* Professional Chauffeurs, Comfortable Vehicles
* We know what you need
How to Contact us
By mail:
Morgante Limousine
Address: 30 Avenue de France
Zip code: 06400
City: Cannes
Country: France
By E-Mail:
By Phone:
+33 610.394.856

Legal information :
SAS au Capital de 2000 €
Siret: 793 929 878 - RCS CANNES
30 Avenue de France - 06400 - Cannes - France
Tél: +33 6.103.948.56 -
Licence: N° EVTC006130122
TVA INTRA: FR42793929878
We accept: Visa - Mastercard - Amex - Bank transfer - Cash - Phone payment by credit card